Submitted by: Linda D. Allen

What is the truth concerning lesions and rashes on your skin and yeast infections? Before we discuss the subject we need to look at what yeast infection is and how Candida infection can show up on skin with symptoms similar to other problems.

In normal healthy circumstances, the bacteria in the intestines and the immune system of a body work together to make sure all that Candida is harmless. But if your body is under a lot of stress or if the beneficial bacteria are killed off or even if you eat food such as fatty food that encourages Candida then the balance with the beneficial flora in your body is ruined. The scientific name for yeast refers to single cell fungus. It is this type of yeast that is most often present in the human body. Its name is Candida and it can cause infections that are then called candidiasis or yeast infections. It is when Candida multiplies rapidly and takes on a fungal form that it then pierces the intestinal tissue to invade your bloodstream and to carry the yeast infection to any and every part of your body.

The effect of candidiasis can be both local and systemic. Skin yeast infection which is also called candidal skin infection, is one of the types of yeast infection that is most often seen and it can appear almost anywhere. Some of the places where you might see it most are: beneath the arms; underneath the breasts; between toes; under the folds of skin of the abdomen if the person is overweight; and for example in the groin area.


The immune system can be impacted by many kinds of medications, oral contraceptives, and antibiotics. It can also suffer when the person consumes an excess of caffeine, alcohol, other processed foods like refined carbohydrates which all depress the presence of beneficial microorganisms. This gives the chance to candida to grow and to cause candidiasis. If the person does not have a strong immune system because they are under stress or keep eating poor nutritional food (like yeasty food and carbohydrates that stimulates candida over growth) then they are likely to get a yeast infection. People who wear shoes that are tight fitting or have closed-toes and also participate in sports, are also more at risk to candida skin infection on their toes.

These local symptoms may be accompanied by difficulties, which also manifest themselves at a mental or emotional level. Symptoms of severe yeast infection may include problems of digestion, bizarre modifications in mood without reason, abnormal desire for white flour and sugar foods, bad breath, tiredness, and problems in vision. To understand and to correctly diagnose Candida and skin infection, you need to recognize these kinds of symptoms. Local symptoms may well include a rash which can ooze and which may be brown or red in color. There may also be dried cracking of the skin with wetness and soreness in the skin folds. Additional to this may be itching sensations in the affected areas with pustules and also pain and burning sensations.

It is important not to neglect the underlying causes. Yeast infections are caused by internal factors and so if you want to treat candida over multiplication and the symptoms that it brings on, you must do more than just look after the external symptoms. The underlying causes must be tackled otherwise the disease can increase in seriousness and generate further symptoms that will make the case even worse. In past times people believed that skin yeast infections were only local and could be cured by creams and lotions applied to the skin. Although this is now known not to be true, many doctors still persist in prescribing anti-fungal creams to treat skin candidiasis.

Uncover the truth here about the unique solution that really remove yeast infections by using a long term holistic program that makes its impact from within and that can tackle the underlying causes. Are you ready for the news? Your yeast skin infection can now be prevented safely and forever using an all-natural holistic method that relies on purely natural components.

About the Author: Linda Allen is a health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book

Yeast Infection No More

. To Learn More About Skin Yeast Infection Visit:

Skin Yeast Infection


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